Go Broncos!
Go Broncos!
Love following tebow an the broncos! Perfect app for it
Its AWESOME but tedow doesnt play for the broncos anymore
Useless now because Tebows gone
An amazing app, a great choice to download. I am huge Denver fan and it keeps me up to date with everything I need to know.
Tons of updates, videos, pictures, interviews...etc
This app has it all for you if your a diehard Broncos fan!
I check this app every day. Always has new content. Also got this for my grandmother who is a Broncos fanatic. Every time I visit she is on this app.
The title says it all
This app is everything a broncos fan could ask for, just wish they would update the latest news faster!
Update is missing the most important feature for stadium fans...NO RED ZONE OR BROADCAST TV. Fail. Do not update to 4.0 until this is fixed. Bring back "Fan Vision"
Game stats on the main page (timer, yardage) are in small, white font over changing background pictures. This is very difficult to read!
The UI on the old version of the app was bloated and unclear. The new UI is a big improvement expect now I cant just go the videos section. I can scroll through the home page to find the videos but it would be nice to just filter to the videos. Im glad I no longer have to fumble through the hamburger menu until I got to the videos page that is not actually called videos but "media" (which is too broad to describe videos) but give me a way to get to the content I want without having to scroll past the content I dont want. That being said, Go Broncos!!
Use the app to keep up with the Broncos and also the league? Too bad, that functionality is gone. Standings? Nope. Not there. League scores? Deeeeeeep in an unintuitive menu. Filter the feed for text-only content (when on limited data, or just in a place where video is not socially appropriate)? Nope, cant do that any more. This has been one of my favorite apps - keeping up with the Broncos, and being able to check out the competition all in one spot. May have to go look for another app.
Its a nice update and all, but I am really sad theres no longer the pro shop option in the app, that was one of my favorite things about the app was the pro shop.
Im a NFL fan as much as a Denver fan. New update removed all the league game data. It was nice to have a one stop shop for all NFL scores and stats along with Broncos info. Wish I didnt do update.
Terrible update to an app that used to have it all.
Quite frankly this is one of the most disappointing apps I have on my phone. I basically keep it for the score. Other than that I dont find it useful. The videos are always broken up into small bits: Twitter sized. The live videos sometimes work. The game day updates are infrequent and it is hard to find information that you want. My suggestion is to use this only to find out the score and to use the website for anything else.
I got this app so I could watch live interviews with the coaches and players. Well it takes forever to load and times out quite a bit. Ill get to watch for maybe a minute then it will time out again and come back with no sound, play for a few seconds then will time out again. Happens every time!